radial diamond kinetics (community dance workout) led by Hana van der Kolk
One part community ritual, two parts accessible dance workout, one part movement improvisation laboratory, rdk is a made up and ever-evolving approach to sweating, dancing, and working out, feeling feelings/feeling good, and taking ourselves less seriously. In an rdk class, we re-member our bodies, practice endurance, strength, and coordination, work with image-based prompts to expand how we move/feel, and together cultivate a supportive and playful environment for maximum fun and collective alchemy, all to a carefully selected accompaniment of inspiring tracks. rdk first emerged in 2009 and has since been offered to a range of populations in a variety of contexts in Amsterdam (NL), Los Angeles, rural Tennessee, Boston, New York City, Tallinn (Estonia), New Lebanon, Hudson, Troy, and elsewhere. Classes are trauma-informed, queer-centering, and adaptable for a wide range of bodies/abilities. Please be in touch if you have questions about the adaptability for you. Wear what makes you feel comfortable, fab, and able to move relatively unencumbered.
Drop-in rate : $20
Series of 4: $32-100 sliding scale
rdk and total body love both series in Troy (8 classes): $64-200 sliding scale
desire lab: $75-160 sliding scale (no drop ins)
all 3 series in Troy (12 classes): $130-360 sliding scale
package payments are due before the start of the first class of the series
payment options: Venmo (@hana-vanderkolk), PayPal (hjvanderkolk@gmail.com), check, or cash.
For more information visit: https://www.hanavanderkolk.com/current
Hana van der Kolk
I am an artist, dancer, educator, Internal Family Systems and sex and gender expansion counselor, and an organizer of community events and spaces. I have been based on the unceded homelands of the Mohican people (now known as the Stockbridge Munsee community) in what is called Troy, NY for nearly eight years. A life-long dancer/performer, I have taught my community dance class “radial diamond kinetics” and other dance/movement/performance practices internationally for over 10 years to a wide range of populations. I also facilitate others in learning to teach rdk and other body-based tools for personal and group transformation.
I taught yoga from 2002-2012 (primarily in Los Angeles and NYC), having studied with many renowned teachers/schools, and have practiced meditation in the Burmese and Thai Forest traditions for twenty years. I have also studied numerous dance forms, Body Mind Centering, Alexander Technique, Gyrokinesis, fitness, Contact Improvisation, ritual facilitation, Dream Lab method, astrology, Bondassage (certified in 2015), Urban Tantra (certified in 2021), and the Internal Family Systems method (level 1-trained in 2016). My approach to facilitating groups and counseling/coaching individuals is informed by these above methods, years of practice and study, and many phenomenal teachers, and is first and foremost fueled by my delight in learning, love of people and community, and deep curiosity about pleasure and what it means to live in a body and be human.
I worked with Troy Bike Rescue for 5 years building community coalition and helping to facilitate the shop’s youth program, threw Troy’s underground dance party Polly with many others, am part of the FlagSSS Day collective, recently initiated the new Club SPA spa, hold an MFA in dance, and just completed my practice-based PhD in art. My dissertation, which will come out in book version in 2023, focuses on queer friendship and body-based approaches to re-enchantment/the interruption of capitalism, individualism, human-centrism, and the gender binary.