Pleasure Playground
is for women who know that pleasure isn’t just about orgasms, and they want more of it.
Pleasure Playground is an intimate group program designed & facilitated by Tara Rainstrom (creatively) exploring sensual arts, pleasure, and desire for women who want a trusted space to connect to their bodies and sensuality so they can move toward erotic sovereignty and experience more power and pleasure.
Pleasure isn’t just about orgasms, it’s about feeling everything, owning every drop of emotion shamelessly and connecting with those emotions in our bodies. Pleasure Playground is about finding safety within our bodies, feeling at home in our skin, and feeling worthy to receive, It’s about cultivating a loving relationship with our nervous system, and being in close communication with our bodies. It’s about tapping in to the erotic creative energy that gives breath & depth to our desires. It’s about coming together in community on a journey of pleasure research.
This intimate group program for women meets over the course of three Sunday afternoons in person at Refuge Event Space in downtown Troy, NY. September 10, October 15, and November 12 from 11 am - 5 pm.
This program will be limited to a maximum of 10 women
Registration closes Friday September 8th.