Creative Expression

for Kids

2024 Program

Children ages 5 - 11

2024 dates:

February 19 -23

April 1 - 5

August 26 - 30



Arrival Policy: 

Our program runs from 9 am – 3 pm Monday through Friday. Please be sure to bring your children at Refuge no earlier than 8:45.

Dismissal Policy:

Our program runs from 9 am - 3 pm Monday through Friday. Please be sure to pick up your child no later than 3:15,

Food Policy: 

Children will bring their lunches from home each day. There is a fridge on site for keeping lunches cool.  Please make sure lunch boxes are labeled with names.  Our program will provide an afternoon snack of water and fresh fruit daily.  Please provide us with detailed information if your child has any food allergies, special instructions, and information for how to best accommodate them.

Screen-free program policy:

We encourage all children to be fully engaged in our program and ask that no devices be brought during our time together.

Safety policy:

We want everyone in our program to feel safe. If a case arises where the safety of an individual or other children is in question, the guardians will be called and asked to pick the child up that is putting themselves or others in danger and will be removed from the program. A refund will not be given.


We have a limited number of spaces in this program. An invoice will be sent to you to submit payment. Please pay your invoice within 7 days to reserve your spot.

An enrolled participant may be withdrawn by writing to us at We must receive notice of cancellation on or before 30 days before the program begins, a $50 administration fee will be charged, the remainder of the tuition will be refunded. If you cancel your enrollment/application in writing after these stated deadlines, you will forfeit 50% of the total program tuition.  

If the program is discontinued in the event of a health or safety emergency and/or pandemic, you will be entitled to a prorated refund (as applicable) of any portion of the tuition or fees paid. 

Creative Expression for Kids has a limited number of spaces for enrollment. We appreciate families’ understanding that we have committed time and energy to establishing this program and have offered one of a limited number of spaces.  Registration for enrollment is a commitment.  The parties agree that the commitment of a percentage of Program Tuition is reasonable compensation for the early withdrawal of the participant. 

Parents or guardians also agree to accept full financial responsibility for the repair or replacement of any property damaged by the participant and any personal injury to program personnel, other participants/staff or third parties caused by the participant, and to promptly reimburse Refuge Event Space for such expenses or costs. The program (Creative Expression for Kids), and Refuge Event Space is not liable for any loss or damage to the participant’s property, and the participant is responsible for such loss at all times. 

Participants will not be allowed to begin the program unless their account is paid in full, as well as liability form signed. 

Thank you. We can’t wait to spend the week together as a group!
Creative Expression for Kids is not a NYS regulated children’s camp.